As one of the major signature events taking place in connection with Copenhagen as the UNESCO World Capital of Architecture in 2023, Open House Copenhagen has revealed more than 50 sites included in its program. The event represents an invitation for visitors to take a look inside iconic buildings that are typically only visible from the outside. Included in the list are examples of floating architecture on Refshaleøen, one of Arne Jacobsen’s masterpieces, along wth unusual spaces such as the interior of a power plant or an underwater passage tunnel. Open House Copenhagen takes place on the weekend of March 25–26 2023. The event is open for everyone and is free of charge, but registration is required.
Open House Copenhagen aims to give visitors a glimpse of the storied hidden behind the facades throughout the city, from Nordhavn, Østerbro, and Central Copenhagen to Amager and Frederiksberg. Among the unique sites included in the program is Denmark’s central bank, Nationalbanken, considered by many as being Arne Jacobsen’s crowning achievement. Usually closed to the public due to security reasons, the building, currently undergoing comprehensive renovations, will open its lobby and banking hall during the Open House weekend.

Another attraction on the list is Bjarke Ingels’ Urban Rigger on Refshaleøen. Designed as six small floating islands comprising of light-blue containers, the “future-fit” architecture aims to provide a framework for a unique urban lifestyle on the water for 100 people. The tour also offers the opportunity to explore a 320 meters-long underground tunnel running 25 meters below sea level, along with a peak into the technical installations of Copenhagen’s power plants and utility infrastructure. Visitors are also invited to visit ten green oases dispersed throughout the city, either in newly renovated courtyards like the one designed by Henning Larsen Architects, or on the rooftops of JDS Architects’ Birkegade building.
The Open House program began over 30 years ago in London, UK. Since then, it has been hosted by different organizations from more than 50 cities around the world, making it one of the largest architectural events in the world, attracting an estimated of 1 million visitors in 2019 alone. In Copenhagen, Open House was developed by Danish Architecture Center in association with the Bevica Fonden, the City of Copenhagen and Karberghus.

The Open House Copenhagen represents just one of the many architecture-focused events happening in the Danish capital this year. After being named the World Capital of Architecture for 2023, Copenhagen is set to host the UIA World Congress of Architects, from July 2 until July 6. The Danish Architecture Center has also opened the first permanent exhibition on the history of Danish Architecture to explore the many innovative and human-centered works of architecture that the Danish city has to offer.

The Selected Sites:
- Kanonbådsskurene (The Gunboat Sheds): 3XN’s Architectural Studio
- A-House
- Assistens Cemetery: Von Scholten’s Mausoleum
- Axelborg
- Banegaarden
- Birkegade Rooftop Garden
- Bispebjerg Cemetery’s Columbarium (urns)
- Apartment in BLOX
- Brønnums Hus
- Langebro Bridge Tower
- CBS Kilen (The Wedge)
- Center for Kræft & Sundhed
- Courtyard: Den Grønne Firkant (The Green Square)
- DR Koncerthuset (Danish Broadcasting Corporation Concert Hall)
- BUEN (The Arch)
- FABRIKKEN – A Factory for Art and Design
- Frederiksberg Fire Station
- Courtyard of the Future on Askøgade
- Courtyard of the Future on Tomsgårdsvej
- Gærtårnet (The Yeast Tower)
- Courtyard: Bangertsgadekarréen (The Bangtersgade Block)
- Courtyard: Nattergalevej
- Grundtvig’s Church
- Harsdorffs Hus
- HOFOR: Utility Tour in Islands Brygge
- HOFOR: Seawater Chamber at Ofelia Plads
- HOFOR: Kløvermarken Pumping Station – Denmark’s Largest Sewage Pumping Station
- Hotel Danmark
- Hotel Ottilia
- Kanalhuset
- Courtyard: Kirkekarréen (The Church Block)
- Kløvermarken Gasworks
- KMC Nordhavn (The Camel)
- Courtyard: Københavnerkarréen (The Copenhagener Block)
- ’Courtyard: Klimakarréen (The Climate Block)’
- Langelinieskuret (The Old Customs House)
- Sundholm: Kedelhallen (The Boiler Room)
- Denmarks Nationalbank
- Østerbro Fire Station
- Østre Landsret (Danish Eastern High Court)
- Panum and The Maersk Tower
- Frederiksberg Courthouse
- Rigshospitalet’s North Wing
- Skabelonloftet (The Drafting Loft)
- Trafiktårn Øst (Traffic Tower East)
- Urban Rigger
- Urbanplanen – Social Housing
- Courtyard: Wesselsgadekarréen (The Wesselsgade Block)
- Zieglers Gaard